
EmeraldPublishingisoneoftheworld'sleadingdigital-firstpublishers,commissioning,curatingandshowcasingresearchthatcanmakearealdifference.We ...,Browseover3,300eBooktitlesandaportfolioofover300journalsauthoredbyrenownedacademicsandindustryleadersfromover150countries.,EmeraldPublishingbeganasanindependentpublishinghouse,formedbyKeithHoward(OBE)andagroupofmanagementacademicsfromtheUniversityofBradf...

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Emerald Publishing is one of the world's leading digital-first publishers, commissioning, curating and showcasing research that can make a real difference. We ...

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Emerald Publishing is one of the world's leading digital-first publishers, commissioning, curating and showcasing research that can make a real difference.

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Emerald Publishing is one of the world's leading digital first publishers, commissioning, curating, and showcasing research that can make a real difference.

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Emerald publishes monographs, handbooks, serials and professional texts across business and social science championing new ideas that would advance research ...


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